One of the greatest privileges afforded to an individual or a local church is to partner with a missionary through financial and prayer support. The Partners In Missions program is the vehicle in the United Pentecostal Church International that grants us this divine partnership in the Great Commission. You can have a direct contribution to someone hearing the gospel in another country without leaving the comfort of your home.
Becoming a PIM is a pledge to give a certain amount of money as a one time offering or a monthly donation of the fixed amount, as well as a commitment to pray for the missionary regularly. An example PIM form is below:
I AM GLOBAL Offerings Do Not Replace PIMs
While the I AM GLOBAL offerings have helped missionaries get back to the field of labor sooner, the need for PIMs is equally important. Bruce Howell, the General Director of Global Missions, says, “I AM GLOBAL gets them there, and PIMs keep them there.” PIMs are still the backbone of Global Missions in the UPCI.